Learning the basics of poker, is the only way you can win!
Everyone has to start somewhere, and the basics are the first thing you should learn. This is the foundation of poker, this is what helps you win.
Poker mafia on facebook, is a texas holdem poker game played with your friends and enemies all over facebook. It has millions of players, therefore there is always time to find your fish.
The dealer is located at the top of the game. There is the white puck, the button that rotates clock wise every hand.
The players to the left of the dealer, are called the small and the big blind.
These two players are forced to make bets even before getting their cards. The big blind has to bet the blind, and the small blind, needs to put usually half the amount. The big blind is the second next to the white puck, or the button. This player can sit comfortably as he is the last person to act.
Every player gets two cards, face down.
The first round of betting starts. The player sitting to the left of the big blind starts. The options are always the same, FOLD, CALL (the amount should match that one of the big blind), or RAISE.
The next player (clockwise) has the same options, all the way until the small blind. The small blind, can match the big blind (CALL), RAISE, or FOLD.
Once the first round of betting ends, the dealer shows 3 more community cards, face up on the table. This is known as the flop.
The second round of betting starts. This time it’s the small blind that has to act first. Now, you have the option to CHECK, BET, FOLD. You can RAISE someone as well, if there is already a bet.
Once this rounds completes, the 4th card is flipped. This is known as the turn.
Now, there is another round of betting. Again, the small blind, or the following person next to the button, if she/he is still in the game.
When the round is over, the 5th community card is shown facing up. This is known as the river.
This initiates the last round of betting. Again, the player left to the button acts first. This is where the game will end. The player with the best cards wins.